Maynard, the Kumquat Tree

I am getting really good at taking my camera to weaving class and then taking no photographs with it, so I don’t have any thing to say, photographically, about the first of the six part weaving seminar. We had a great time, and I hope I didn’t overwhelm anyone with the drafting . . . I really think drafting and reading drafts is one of the hardest parts of weaving, and the whole class worked really hard to grasp all the different parts of weaving drafts. Next week, we’re working on calculating Sett and Yardage — it’s not too late to join us, if you want to. Added to the list of things to bring are the following:
1) What size of reed(s) do you have on your loom(s) at home?
2) What do you want to weave?
3) What kind of patterns would you like to use?
4) Bring a calculator! (We can certainly share — but there’s a bunch of arithmetic coming up!)

But I was going to tell you about Maynard. So after the really awesome class, Farmerteen and I went up the hill to her music class, and then decided to go see Roy Zimmerman perform at the Magic Lantern Theatre (which is good, because we were a full 1/5 of the audience — Spokane, where were you?) So we went to Huckleberries to grab some dinner, and on the way in, I saw a sign for “Citrus Trees” in front of what looked mostly like lavender bushes . . . and then, he came into view. One lone “citrus tree” — a Kumquat tree. I love kumquats, and I looked longingly at a number of kumquat trees at florists along the Seine this April, knowing I probably could not get one back in the country. And there he was. The last one. The gal at the register told me they ordered them well over a year ago, only got a few in, and that they were snatched up just like that.

Aside: Farmerteen and I take a lot of goofy pictures using the “Photobooth” on my Mac. Most of them involve her proclivity toward vampirism:

Or me crushing her head:

So we took several with Maynard this morning:
Including her favourite:

And my favourite:

And one that we caught on accident, when we kind of overloaded the computer’s working memory — or whatever it is when you ask the computer to do something, and everything comes to a grinding halt, but the whole thing doesn’t crash:

Then there was the singing . . . “Maynard, the Kumquat Tree” fits really nicely into the lyrics of the chorus of Taylor, the Latte Boy . . . to which I hadn’t realized there was a response!